
6th Year Of Pandikanda Kailpod Gettogether at Halugunda, S.Kodagu

6th Year Of Pandikanda Kailpod Gettogether at Halugunda, S.Kodagu

Pandikanda Nanda, Daalu, Prabhu, Raju & Chimmanna who were the Ideals for the Younger generation arrived at sharp 10:00 Am

6 Pandikanda Senior Family members Firing tomark the 6th Year of Kailpod Celebration

Mr. Dinesh, 6 senior members, President Mr. Charmana, Mrs.Pandikanda Prema & Mr. Naveen

Lighting up of the Lamp by Mrs.Pandikanda Prema

Nagesh throwing the Shotput

"Back running Race" - A unique race where partiipants ran backwards without looking back.

Parents preparing the kids for "Frog jump"

"Blindfolded" - Good to watch the game

Women Aiming High - "Ball in the Buck"

" Shooting the Egg" - Air rifles used to Fire

1.5 Kms Runnibg for both men & women
The Youths had a tough 100mts event

Unique but entertaining "Sack Race"

The Girls running the 100 mtrs

Junior boys Sprinting to victory

"Fastest Bun Eaters" - the chance to east more & more

"Tug - a - War" - The Ladies team proved that they are definitely equal to men

"Tug - a - War" - Men's team performing

After Sports not forget Yummy Pandikari, kadambuttu & more & more &.....!!

Predency of Mr. Pandikanda M Madappa, retd HM & Padikanda Pattedara

The Pic of the Crowd gathered

Youngest Talet of the family who is representing Karnataka in basket ball & handball bieng Introduced to the family by Pandikanda nagesh.

The Youngest winner for the frog jump competition

P Nagesh Recieving the prixe for the Shotput by Pandikanda Pattedara Madappa

kids performing a Dance on the occasion


  1. A must for all the families in Kodagu so that we people know our family, we could also pass on the tradition to the younger generation & not to forget that these occasions creates platform for all the youths

  2. Its really great that we have such events. Apart from knowing and interacting with family and friends, it also helps in knowing and understanding our age-old traditions and customs. KEEP GOING and continue every year after year.....invite people from other families too if feasible :)

  3. It's really great to see all these events which was organised by Pandikanda family on Kailpodh occasion. It should be Great example to other family too. Great going Pandikanda Family.


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